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Here you can access our handy resources:

  • Printable posters or visual guides that help to keep hearing loss awareness  front of mind in the workplace.

  • If you are Deaf or hard of hearing, also we recommend downloading our Care Package, which is full of information on support services and community activities as well as tips for caring for your wellbeing.

  • Learn more about the impact of hearing loss around the world and in New Zealand by taking a look at our collection of reports on hearing loss.

Print Resources

We've collated a library of posters and visual cues that you can download and print. They are a useful reminder for everyone in the workplace to be more aware of hearing loss and how to support team members who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

2. Hearing Aware Communications Poster

1. Hearing Aware Meetings Poster

Meetings are often one of the most challenging activities in the workplace for employees who are Deaf or hard of hearing. With a few simple adjustments to how meetings are held in your workplace, a lot can be done to make your meetings accessible to everyone attending.

Hearing loss doesn't have to be a barrier to communication in the workplace.


By following these easy-to-follow communication tips, your team will be more aware of how to keep the conversation going.

3. Is this Space Hearing Aware Poster

Does your organisation have interlocking spaces where staff and/or customers interact? How hearing loss aware are these spaces?


Small changes to how staff engage in these spaces can make all the difference.   

4. Weekly Sound Allowance Poster

Did you know our ears have a weekly sound allowance?

This poster will help your team to stay within the safe listening weekly allowance and offers tips for how to look after our hearing for life.

Our ears are more fragile than most of us realise. It's easy to take your hearing for granted until permanent damage is done.

Keep noise-induced hearing loss front of mind by displaying the 'Your Ears are Fragile' poster in the workplace.

5. Your Ears are Fragile Poster

Highlight your organisation's commitment to Deaf and hard of hearing customers with our Hearing Awareness Commitment poster.

It's a great reminder for all staff to be more inclusive in their communication with customers who have hearing loss.

Buddy Card Poster.jpg

6. Your Commitment to Deaf & HoH Customers

1. Listen Hear! NZ

In 2016, NFDHH, in partnership with the Deaf and hard of hearing community, commissioned Deloittes Access Economics (Australia) to produce a report on the economic impact of hearing loss in New Zealand.
Key findings were:​

  • hearing loss is a significant issue facing 18.9% of the population.

  • the health sector costs is estimated at $131.8 million

  • hearing loss cost the New Zealand economy $957.3 million

  • total cost of hearing loss is estimated at $4.9 billion


Download to read the full report.

2. NZ Trak 2018 Report

This report provides an insight into the scale of hearing loss and social and economic impacts it is having for hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders.

There were 16,080 interviewees who self-reported on hearing loss prevalence & hearing aid ownership.


Download to read the full report.


These reports help to set out a context for the prevalence of hearing loss in New Zealand and explore the impact on the economy and social wellbeing.

Broaden your understanding by taking a look at Listen Hear! New Zealand and the New Zealand Trak 2018 Report below.

Book an awareness workshop today!

Enquire to join the Hearing Accredited Workplace Programme

Thanks for your submission!





Highlight your organisation's commitment to Deaf and hard of hearing customers with counter top card. 

It's a great reminder for all staff to be more inclusive in their communication with customers who have hearing loss.

Counter Top Card.png
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