Welcome to your Hearing Awareness Library.
Watch the module videos, and read the booklets to gain insights into creating a more hearing aware environment in your workplace.
Watch this video and read the booklet, below, to learn more about starting a conversation about hearing loss in your workplace.
Talking About Hearing Loss
Start a conversation with your team about becoming more aware of hearing loss.
Learn about:
The signs of hearing loss
How to talk to an employee about their hearing loss
How to book a hearing screening or test
Simple tips and strategies for better communication with team members or customers who have a hearing loss.
Watch these videos and read the booklet, below, to learn more about hearing aware health and safety practices in the workplace.
Health & Safety
This topic will help you to take a look at how well your current health and safety practices accommodate employees with hearing loss.
Learn about:
Your obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
Health and safety adjustments and assistive technologies to accommodate team members with hearing loss
Considerations for fires or emergency evacuation
The risk of work-related stress when team members with hearing loss are not adequately supported
Hearing loss aware health and safety training
Preventing noise-induced hearing loss in general workplaces
How to monitor and manage potential health and safety risks.
Watch these videos and read the booklet, below, to learn more about creating hearing aware environments that support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
This topic looks at strategies to help your organisation move towards becoming a positive and psychologically safe environment that is supportive of hearing loss, mental health and wellbeing.
Learn about:
The importance of being aware of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
Strategies to transform workplace culture to be more inclusive and positive
Potential causes of workplace stress for team members with hearing loss
The signs of poor mental health
How to talk to team members about their mental health and wellbeing
How to work together for shared success.
Watch these videos to learn more about adjustments and accommodations that can assist team members who are Deaf or hard of hearing in the workplace.
Want to know more?
Check out the services section on the Hearing Hub. It’s packed with information about assistive technologies,
apps and services that can support communication and sound amplification in the workplace.
Adjustments & Services
This topic looks at adjustments that can make a difference to team members who are Deaf or hard of hearing and help to improve productivity and engagement across the team.
Learn about:
The types of accommodations that can help in the workplace
Flexible working arrangements
Adjusting the physical environment
Specialised equipment.
Watch these videos to learn more about adjustments and accommodations that can assist team members who are Deaf or hard of hearing in the workplace.
Acoustic Design Elements
This topic will help you to consider acoustic levels in your workplace and how to manage them.
Learn about:
The impact of workplace noise on team members with hearing loss
How to plan for acoustic zones in your workplace
Staying on top of noise overspill between zones
Design elements you can use to manage unwanted noise.
Watch these videos to learn more about adjustments and accommodations that can assist team members who are Deaf or hard of hearing in the workplace.
Recruitment & Induction
This topic will help you to consider acoustic levels in your workplace and how to manage them.
Learn about:
The impact of workplace noise on team members with hearing loss
How to plan for acoustic zones in your workplace
Staying on top of noise overspill between zones
Design elements you can use to manage unwanted noise.
Noise Safety
Noise Safety is an integral part of the Hearing Accredited Workplace Programme. The booklet below will help you to understand the risks of noise-induced hearing loss and how to manage them in the workplace.
Learn about:
The risks of noise-induced hearing loss,
How to stay within your weekly safe listening allowance,
How to protect your hearing.
Case Studies
Case studies shine a light on the changes organisations have made to support employees and customers who are Deaf or hard of hearing, as well as to manage noise safety issues.
Dip into these case studies to learn from other organisations about how you can become more aware of hearing in the workplace.
Book an awareness workshop today!
HAWP Case Studies WSP

"WSP in New Zealand is proud to have committed to becoming a Hearing Accredited Workplace. One of our core focus areas is taking steps to create a positive and inclusive environment for employees, suppliers, and clients with hearing loss. We will also be doing our part to prevent noise - induced hearing loss by identifying, continuing to educate and pro - actively managing harmful noise in the workplace." Rosalie McKnight, Health, Safety, Environment Advisor, WSP.
Read more about WSP pathway to becoming a Hearing Accredited Workplace.